How to Set the Owner ID When Creating an Entity in Dynamics 365 Using C#

How to Set the Owner ID When Creating an Entity in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 is a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that can help businesses manage their contacts, sales, and marketing operations. In order to use Dynamics 365 to its fullest potential, it's important to understand how to create entities and set the owner ID using C#. In this article, I'll walk you through the steps to set the owner ID when creating a contact in Dynamics 365.

Step 1: Connect to Dynamics 365

The first step in creating a contact in Dynamics 365 is to establish a connection to the Dynamics 365 organization using the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk assembly. You can use the following code to connect to Dynamics 365:

using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector;

string URL = ""; 
string AuthType = "ClientSecret";
string AppId = "";
string RedirectUri = "";
string secretKey = "";

string conn = $@"Url = {URL};AuthType = {AuthType};ClientSecret={secretKey};AppId ={AppId};RedirectUri = {RedirectUri};RequireNewInstance = True";
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

var service = new CrmServiceClient(connectionString);

Replace the placeholders in the connection string with your organization's URL, app ID, redirect URI & secret key.

Step 2: Create the Contact Entity

Once you've established a connection to Dynamics 365, the next step is to create a new contact entity. You can use the following code to create a new contact entity:

Entity contact = new Entity("contact");

Step 3: Set the Contact's Owner ID

The owner ID is the user or team that owns the contact. To set the owner ID, you need to create a new EntityReference object that points to the user or team that owns the contact. You can use the following code to set the owner ID:

EntityReference owner = new EntityReference("systemuser", <owner ID>);
contact["ownerid"] = owner;

Replace the placeholder in the EntityReference constructor with the ID of the user or team that owns the contact.

Step 4: Set the Contact's Other Fields

After you've set the owner ID, you can set the contact's other fields. You can use the following code to set the contact's fields:

contact["firstname"] = "John";
contact["lastname"] = "Doe";
contact["emailaddress1"] = "";

Replace the placeholders with the appropriate field names and values for your contact.

Step 5: Create the Contact

Finally, you need to create the contact in Dynamics 365 using the IOrganizationService interface. You can use the following code to create the contact:



In this article, we've shown you how to set the owner ID when creating a contact in Dynamics 365 using C#. By following these steps, you can create contacts that are owned by specific users or teams, which can help you better manage your contacts and sales operations in Dynamics 365.

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