Showing posts from December, 2021

SharePoint & Log4j - CRITICAL: Security Vulnerability

A new Log4j vulnerability was disclosed the night between Dec 17 and 18 2021 by the Apache security team, and was given the ID of CVE-2021-45105. According to the security advisory, which fixed the two previous vulnerabilities, is susceptible to a DoS attack caused by a Stack-Overflow in Context Lookups in the configuration file’s layout patterns. Is it affecting SharePoint? Microsoft continues the analysis of the remote code execution vulnerabilities related to Apache Log4j (a logging tool used in many Java-…

404 Error - When Browsing Page Manually in React App

If you are deploying a react app to IIS, you may run into a 404 error when you try to browse the URL manually or if you try to refresh the page.  Here are the steps to solve this issue: First, create a web.config file using Notepad++ Then add the following syntax to the web.config: <? xml version= "1.0" ?> < configuration > < system.webServer > < rewrite > < rules > < rule name = "React Routes" stopProcessing = "true" > < mat…

Five Tips for Achieving Continuous Delivery

If you’re struggling to set up a reliable, repeatable release process you’re not alone. The good news is that most of the problems you’ll encounter have been solved before. There are many smart strategies you can use to create a fast, smooth release process that will give your entire team a competitive edge. Azure DevOps Tip 1: Version control everything Source control for application code is a given. Have a single source of truth that the whole team can use. You get auditability, repeata…

Comment Devenir un Architecte de Solutions Logicielles

Lorsque j'ai commencé ma carrière en génie logiciel, je me suis promis de ne jamais dire non à un projet stimulant car je savais que c'était la seule façon de me faire grandir professionnellement. Quelques années plus tard, j'ai commencé à me concentrer davantage sur la conception de l'architecture de la solution logicielle plutôt que sur l'écriture de code de bonne qualité. En 2021, j'ai publié mon premier livre sur l'architecture de solution avec .NET, je le considère comme un guide étape par étape pour tout dével…

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