Showing posts from March, 2018

HTML Manipulation using .NET - Manage Dynamic Views in ASP.NET MVC using Html Agility Pack

HTML File Parser For ASP.NET MVC When creating dynamic views in MVC you might need an API that helps you manipulate the html using .NET code. I usually use " HTML Agility Pack " for this mission, it is quite flexible and easy to use .NET API. In this post I will not discuss the way of creating dynamic views, I will only highlight main functionalities of the HTML Agility Pack and I will give some example. The  HtmlAgilityPack  is an open source library that you can use in your MVC .NET or MVC .NET Core Web…

List of .NET Dependency Injection Containers (IOC)

When designing a software application, a major concern is that the design must be loosely coupled because loose coupling offers greater reusability, maintainability, and testability. Dependency Injection (DI) reduces the coupling between classes and moves the binding of abstraction and concrete implementation out of the dependent class. Dependency Injection enables developers to better manage future code changes and complexity in our software, thus helping us to make our code maintainable. Dependency …

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