Razor Pages .NET Core vs React Web Apps

Razor Pages .NET Core vs React Web Apps

The choice between Razor Pages with .NET Core and React for building a web application depends on a variety of factors, including the specific requirements of your project, the skills of your team, and your development workflow.

Razor Pages with .NET Core is a powerful web development framework that allows developers to build web applications using C# and the Razor templating engine. It provides a familiar and easy-to-use model-view-controller (MVC) pattern, along with a built-in dependency injection (DI) framework and support for asynchronous programming.

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and manage the state of an application using a virtual DOM. React is often used in combination with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as Redux or MobX, to manage the state of a larger application.

When choosing between Razor Pages with .NET Core and React, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The skills of your team: If your team is more experienced with C# and .NET, Razor Pages with .NET Core may be a better choice. If your team is more experienced with JavaScript and web development, React may be a better choice.
  • The requirements of your project: If your project requires a lot of server-side processing, Razor Pages with .NET Core may be a better choice. If your project requires a lot of client-side interaction and real-time updates, React may be a better choice.
  • Your development workflow: If you prefer a more traditional, "page-based" development workflow, Razor Pages with .NET Core may be a better choice. If you prefer a more flexible, component-based development workflow, React may be a better choice.

Razor Pages vs React Pros/Cons

Razor Pages with .NET Core:

Here are the Pros/Cons of the Razor Pages with .NET Core


  • Familiar and easy-to-use model-view-controller (MVC) pattern for web development
  • Built-in dependency injection (DI) framework for managing application dependencies
  • Support for asynchronous programming
  • Strong type safety and compile-time checking
  • Good integration with other Microsoft technologies and services
  • Good support for server-side processing


  • Less flexibility in terms of client-side interaction and real-time updates
  • Less popular than other front-end libraries and frameworks, such as React


Here are the Pros/Cons of the React framework


  • Popular and widely-used JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Allows for the creation of reusable UI components
  • Good performance through the use of a virtual DOM
  • Good support for client-side interaction and real-time updates
  • Good flexibility in terms of client-side interactions
  • Large and active community


  • Less familiar and easy-to-use than traditional web development frameworks
  • Requires a good understanding of JavaScript and web development concepts
  • Lack of built-in dependency injection framework
  • Lack of compile-time checking and type safety
  • Less support for server-side processing

Final Words

In summary, Razor Pages with .NET Core is a good choice for web applications that require a lot of server-side processing and have a more traditional, "page-based" development workflow. React is a good choice for web applications that require a lot of client-side interaction and real-time updates and have a more flexible, component-based development workflow.

It's also worth noting that the choice between the two technologies is not mutually exclusive, you can use them together, by using React for the front-end and .NET Core for the back-end.

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